NuGamers Project: Our first international event

June 7, 2024

On May 30th, the NuGamers project organised its first promotional webinar during the All Digital Weeks Campaign. The webinar provided a comprehensive overview of the project, highlighting its aims, strategies, and the positive impact it hopes to achieve in the gaming education sector. As the project progresses, we are sure to be a significant force in promoting gender diversity and inclusivity in the gaming industry.

Key Highlights from the Webinar:

🎮 Fostering Gender-Inclusive Gaming Education: The New Gamers project is focused on making gaming education more gender-inclusive. This involves addressing common challenges faced by women in the industry, such as imposter syndrome and lack of representation.

🚀 Raising Awareness: A significant goal of the project is to boost knowledge and awareness of gender biases within gaming education. By educating both staff and students about these biases, the project hopes to foster a more inclusive environment.

💼 Empowering Vocational Education Staff: The project targets vocational education and training (VET) staff, aiming to enhance gender inclusivity in curriculum design and orientation activities. This will involve providing educators with the necessary tools and resources to create a more inclusive learning environment.

📚 Developing Educational Resources: One of the project’s key deliverables is a comprehensive handbook and toolkit. These resources will include games and activities designed for orientation and course delivery, helping educators implement gender-inclusive practices in their classrooms.

👩‍💻 Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: By equipping educators with practical tools, the New Gamers project seeks to establish a more inclusive learning environment. This is intended to encourage more girls to pursue education and careers in game development and technology.

🌟 Showcasing Positive Role Models: To inspire change and challenge stereotypes, the project will highlight positive examples of successful women in the gaming and tech sectors. These role models can help shift attitudes within the male-dominated industry.

💪 Engaging All Students: Recognizing the need to involve both female and male students, the project aims to create a more inclusive culture within the gaming industry. This involves breaking down stereotypes and fostering mutual respect among all students.

Key Insights:

🎯 Addressing Low Representation: The project is committed to tackling the low representation of women in the gaming industry by increasing their knowledge and awareness of gender biases, and providing tools for gender-inclusive education.

🧩 Involving Educators in Curriculum Design: By involving VET staff and educators in the design of curricula and orientation activities, the New Gamers project aims to build a more inclusive learning environment that actively encourages girls to pursue careers in game development and technology.

🚀 Challenging Stereotypes: The project acknowledges the importance of working with male students to create a more inclusive culture in the gaming industry. By challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity, the project seeks to transform the industry from within.

🌍 Promoting Gender Diversity: The ultimate goal of the New Gamers project is to make a meaningful difference in the gaming industry by promoting gender diversity and inclusivity. Through awareness, education, and the showcasing of positive role models, the project strives to create a more equitable and supportive environment for all.

You can rewatch the session here